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Seafood Garden caters specifically to zoos and aquariums. Our commitment shines through our quality seafood products and continuous customer support. 

Atlantic Herring (Clupea Harengus)

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Atlantic Herring are small, silvery colored fish with blue/green backs. They can be found on both sides of the North Atlantic and can even grow up to 14 inches

Bonito (Auxis spp)

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Bonito fish have dark blue stripes that run along the upper half of their bodies. Their sides and bellies are silvery.



Crawfish (Procambarus Clarkii)


Crawfish have a joined head and midsection. Their bodies are usually sand yellow, green, red, or dark brown.They have a sharp snout and compound eyes. Crawfish have large, powerful pincers on their front pair of legs.


Maine Lobster (Homarus Americanus)


Homarus Lobster can be found from Canada all the way down to North Carolina, but nothing compares to the sweet taste of a cold water Maine Lobster. Maine Lobster features two large front claws and a meaty tail. They come in many colors but most notably a dark brown/red color. They can live up to 100 years and grow up to 4 feet long. Maine Lobsters make for an excellent meal!

Menhaden (Brevoortia Tyrannus)


Menhaden is a flat fish with soft flesh and a deeply forked tail. They are bright silver with a small black spot behind their eye and are known to have an oily flesh. 

Pacific Mackerel (Scomber Japonicus)

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Pacific Mackerel have dark blue, pointy heads and large mouths. Their backs are also dark blue with dark wavy lines. Their sides and belly are silver green and they typically have four to six finlets on their backs, which is used to distinguish them from other mackerel species.

Scallops (Platopicten Magilanitus)


Scallops have two shells that enclose them with one that is flatter and the other forming a concave shape. Scallop meat is prized all over the world and considered one of the safest shellfish to consume.



Silversides (Atheriniformes)

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Silversides are an elongated fish with a silver color. They typically have a wide silvery stripe on each side of their bodies and two dorsal fins that are about 28 inches in length. They can be found all over the world.

Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus)

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Atlantic Mackerel are a blue/green pelagic fish with a silvery white underbelly. They can be found on both sides of the Northern Atlantic Ocean and have a rich, distinct flavor that comes with its flaky meat.

Capelin (Mallotus Villosus)

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Capelin fish have elongated bodies which are covered with small scales. They have pointed snouts with transparent green coloration on their backs. Their sides are silvery while the belly is slightly whiter.

Illex Squid (Illex illecebrosus)

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Illex Squid is a short-lived fish. They can regulate their body color but usually hold an orange hue with a brown stripe along the top side of the mantle. They are a mild and subtle sweet flavored fish.



Loligo Squid (Loligo Pealeii)


Loligo Squids have fleshy bodies with an anterior head and lateral fins in their posterior region. Loligo squids have 10 arms and 8 of them have four rows of suckers while the last two have six. The color of the squid usually varies between a shade of pink, red, or brown.

Pacific Herring (Clupea Pallasii)

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Pacific Herring sport dark blue/olive colors on their backs and silver on their sides and belly.



Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss)


Rainbow trout are silver/grey fish with black spots all across their body and a white underbelly. These fish, found in the fresh waters of North America and Europe, are known for their great nutritional value and rich tender meat.

Shrimp (Peneaus Monodon)


Shrimp have semi transparent bodies that are flattened from side to side. They have a flexible abdomen which ends in a fanlike tail. They have long antennae and can be found in both shallow and deep waters.

Surf Clam (Spisula Solidissima)

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Surf Clams are found all up and down the East coast of America, in the Atlantic Ocean. They are typically caught by hand harvesters.



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